Wednesday, December 07, 2005

Random Thoughts On a Wednesday

I have so many things in my head... and I have so much WORK to get done that I am not sure what is going to come spilling from my brain...Most of these initial thoughts seem to be about idiot drivers...

I was almost killed today on Route 287. I cannot... for the life of me figure out why this group of 6 cars decided to stop in the middle of a high speed exit ramp on Route 287. I came to a screeching halt and manuevered the Big Ole Blue Buick around the right of these cars. It was dangerous... but I survived... my bottle of soda didn't... but I survived...

I was in the left hand turn only lane trying to turn onto Route 27 by the Pines Manor... the line was long but after 2 cycles, it was finally time for me to go through. That's when someone came whipping up the "straight only" lane and made the illegal left hand turn almost into my car. This person then swooped across two lanes of traffic to make the quickest left hand turn in history into the Pines Manor. If I hadn't seen it with my own two eyes...I wouldn't have believed it... amazing...

Look at the picture below... it sums up my feelings on today's driving experiences....

Muh wife and I finally received our copy of Kicking and Screaming in the mail starring Will Farrel. I really must say that I am upset that I will neverget those 95 minutes back... EVER.

On the flip side, we also watched Murderball over the weekend -- a documentary about the United States Paralympic Rugby team. Phenomenal movie people... absolutely exceptional...


Anonymous said...

You forgot to mention that some of the rugby dudes are smokin'


Anonymous said...

Sounds like my experience on the parkway this morning. There was an accident on the far right shoulder...and all of a sudden, 2 of the cars in front of me in the LEFT lane decided to slam on their brakes so they could either 1. get a better view or 2. Kill everyone else behind them. thank god I had a safe following distance going....

steakbellie said...

agreed on kicking and screaming. That COULD have been an ok movie, just with new editing. It was horrible.....