Thursday, August 24, 2006

Annual Saratoga Trip Review-ish (PABST REFERENCE!)

Our annual trip to Saratoga has come and gone and there were some highlights and low points, but we really enjoyed ourselves again this year -- so much so that we really want/need to recruit new people next year since we have so much fun.

1. This year marked the first year that one of the core three people that have been going was unable to go. It was for an excellent reason as his wife is more than 8 months preggers, but we still missed him and his wife greatly. The positive of this is that next year, we will be introducing their kid to gambling and Pabst Blue Ribbon -- the champagne of champions.

2. One of the reasons we originally began this trip some 7 or so years ago was that one of our friends grew up in the area so we would at some point always end up at his old house and visit his family. This year, we adjusted our plans and didn't spend a lot of time with his family. That made me somewhat bummed since I like his folks a bunch.

3. Meeting the new girlfriend -- It is always interesting to meet the new love of a friend. This weekend, we were introduced to teh new girlfriend of one of the somewhat regular people who go each year. She was young and brought a new life to the conversations and interactions. I always enjoy this... because it is someone new for me to pick on.

4. Each year, we try to stay in a relatively inexpensive place as our weekend is essentially a weekend of activities and very little time is spent in the hotels, but at the track and eating out. This year, we tried out a Days Inn, and I gotta admit, it was a great place...and you got what you paid for...including a pool and free wireless internet.

5. We love this trip every year and we can't wait to do it again next year...but we missed our little fuzz butt Tucker.

6. This bee sat on my foot for a long time.... WAAAYYY TOOO LONG....


steakbellie said...

How about a sausage sandwhich next time you're in Saratoga? It's free!

Smelmooo said...

Great idea... or... a puppy dog.

steakbellie said...

Not for nuthin, but you have some ugly-ass feet.