Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Book 36 of 52 -- Michael J. Fox's Always Looking Up: The Adventures of an Incurable Optimist

Fox has written an optimistic report of his recent years, a positive sequel to "Lucky Man,: focusing on the continuing good in his life.

This memoir helps readers understand that even in the hard times, there can still be good - and a hopeful outlook goes a long way to help!

At least one other review criticizes the political points made by Fox, but he makes no secret of his political involvement and opinions - they are surely an important part of the work he does now.

The chapter on politics is a lengthy one, but this is a book about his life's beliefs - it would make no sense to leave that out! His advocacy of stem cell research and support of those politicians who are like-minded are his present-day work.

Moving and informative book!

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