Friday, August 13, 2010

Book 38 of 52 -- Stephen King's The Colorado Kid

I was very much into the story. I feel it was well written and the characters were very well developed, as is always the case with Stephen King. I was held by the story and actually read through the book extremely quickly as I was "sucked into" the story completely. The only really problem I have is the ending. It seems Mr. King has come to the point in his life where he doesn't mind leaving things untied in his stories. He would chastise me for saying this as someone who doesn't understand or who puts too much stock in the ending instead of the journey getting there. Maybe so, but I still like to have endings a little neater than what we get from this book. I am not going to go into details and provide spoilers for it, but I was disappointed upon reaching the last page with where I was left by this ending.

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