Saturday, June 09, 2007

Special Three Word Movie Reviews

Over the past couple weeks, I watched all six Star Wars movies.

They were all in HD one day so I taped them.

Here is my super special Three Word Movie Reviews for all of them.

Star Wars: The Phantom Menace -- The Worst One

Star Wars: Attack of the Clones -- Fifth Best One

Star Wars: Revenge of the Sith -- Third Best One

Star Wars: A New Hope -- Second Best One

Star Wars: Empire Strikes Back -- The Best One

Star Wars: Return of the Jedi -- Fourth Best One


m said...

sadly, that is a dream of mine - to watch all 6 in a row. i'm quite jealous, esp. b/c they are in hd.

Anonymous said...

You must live in alternate universe -- one that exists with a 3rd Godfather movie.

I did not know Lucas made 3 more Star Wars films.