Thursday, December 16, 2004

Pepsi Caps Plea

Dear Readers,

I like to play games. I especially love the games that are under the caps of my favorite beverages.

Over the summer, I got caught up in the dang Snapple game called Snaffle. It isn't an auction it isn't a raffle... it is a Snaffle!

Currently, I am caught up in the Pepsi game. They have the orange caps and if you match three of the teams, you get a free T-Shirt. I have a couple of pairs and I am asking you my readers to see if you can complete any of my sets.

I promise to trade and continue to work on helping you finish your sets. Maybe by putting this out there, I will find others who are playing the same game as me.

I currently have:

49ers - 1
Bears - 2
Bills - 1
Browns - 1
Colts - 1
Cowboys - 2
Jaguars - 1
Jets - 1
Raiders - 1
Rams - 2
Redskins - 1
Saints - 2

If you have any of these, please let me know. I just want to see if I can get at least one shirt. ;-)

Thanks a lot...

The Smelmooo


KARCHAMB said...

Now I feel bad... I've been getting these every day and I always throw them away... But I will hold on to the jaguars and pats ones that I have for you. I'll send them to you over our holiday break when I take a week long break from caffiene and work :)

Smelmooo said...

Thatis why I asked!

Thank you so much.