Monday, February 28, 2005

Oscar Show Thoughts of the Smelmooo

We watched the whole Star Jones 2 hour red carpet debacle. Did you notice that there was a hedge in between her and the guests? That was to prevent her from eating her guests.

The red carpet debacle was horrible also because she didn't seem to know 20% of the people.

However, Kathy Griffin was hilarious. Her moment of silence for the films not nominated was golden.

Salma Hayek = Rowwwwrrr!!!!

You could rub poop on Halle Berry's face and she would still look hot as hell.

Morgan Freeman = Class

Did anyone else hear the loud crash during the Editing nominees being announced by Kirsten Dunst and Orlando Bloom?

I laughed out loud when Mike Myers said, "I liked the part in Shrek 2 when Shrek farts in the mud."

Clint Eastwood is just so damn cool.

Wasn't it great not seeing hide nor hair of Julia Roberts for the whole broadcast...and then..dammit...she pops up at the end. It killed me.

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