Sunday, March 06, 2005


Survivor is back and there are three episodes in the books. Personally... I like the season so far but it isn't my favorite season yet... I have to remember that we are only 3 episodes in.

I am playing in the same game with the Assshfault fellas... and I will share the standings in an upcoming blog...

BUT... FOR NOW!!!!

For those of you that watch the show... here are my immediate impressions.

I like Angie a lot... I know you don't...
I am not sure if Willard has said anything yet.
Jeff needed to go and reminds me of that annoying pretty boy in high school that got everything he wanted.
Bobby John finally spoke and is now high up on my list.
Ibrehem could be one of the most mentally challenged players ever.
Tom kicks some major ass.
Caryn needs to be bitten by a large shark.
Ian rocks....and I just do not want to admit that I like him too much.
Jen is my personal favorite in terms of hotness.
Coby needs more airtime...but with Ulong sucking so much... we don't get much of Koror
Gregg is growing on me too...

I have other comments too...I just can't remember...


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