Wednesday, September 22, 2004

Muh night... in court

As you know, I had to have my night in court last night. For the bloggily disabled, I was given a parking ticket for parking without a permit in front of my own house. The catch is... I have said permit. I need to fight the $29 ticket out of sheer principle.

Yesterday morning, I prepared for my night in court. I took pictures of my car with the permit, printed them out, and attached it to the ticket. I then needed to confirm the location of the court as Metuchen's town hall is going under a great deal of construction. I was introduced to a Little Miss Grouchy Pants. The conversation went something like this.

City Hall Woman: Good Morning, Metuchen Violations Bureau.
Me: Good morning. I got a ticket that I intend to challenge tonight at court. With all of the construction going on, I wanted to verify as to where do I go tonight?
CHW: 500 Main Street
Me: Thank you. Is that the new town hall?
CHW: *silence*
Me: Hello?
CHW: (She snaps at me abruptly and and says) What?
Me: I asked, is that the new town hall?
CHW: (Preceeded by a loud and lengthy sigh, she says) Yes.
Me: (Obviously sarcastic and with the first sound of indignation I say) Thank you for being so polite.

How bad can your day be at 9:15 on a Tuesday? Only fifteen minutes into work for goodness sake!

Muh honey and I headed down to the courthouse at 5:45ish for the 6:30 court date. We were walking as it was a nice night. When we arrived at the courthouse and looked at the list of those contesting their tickets, I noticed that I had done a very stupid thing. I forgot to call in and tell them that I wanted to contest the ticket.

After 10 minutes of haggling, I will be informed oh my new court date.

Long live the chump. Long live me.

1 comment:

Smelmooo said...

woo hooo

I was in court!