Friday, May 20, 2005

What Will I Do This Summer?

What Will I Do This Summer?

I read muh friend's blog and she bastardized my Top Five Tuesday with a list of the Ten Things She Wants to Do This Summer.

I figure that she is fair game for my bastardization of her list and I will provide a list of things that I want to do this summer.

1. Go to the U2 show in May -- By the time you read this, I will have already been there and I will have rocked out and I will have confirmed the fact that U2 is the greatest band on the planet and I will have fallen down in excitement when I got home and not be able to sleep for hours!

2. Go to the Neil Diamond show at Madison Square Garden on a Hot August Night. We bought the tickets and I am hoping to enjoy a party with my other elder Neil lovers and muh wife as we rock out. Floor tickets rock. :)

3. I am planning on finding a couple of dog parks and just letting Tucker go nuts with the dogs and see what happens when he is allowed to be a complete spaz.

4. I would like to play a lot more tennis and golf. For some reason, the past two years have been lacking in those departments.

5. I plan on using my vacation to go to the shore and do nothing for a week. I have had too many trips recently that have involved too much packing and running around like crazy. I need relaxing.

6. I plan on mowing my front lawn at least once this summer. My next door neighbor is so obsessed with my front lawn and his that he mows it all the time to ensure uniformity.

7. I plan on skipping the new Star Wars film at least for the first few weeks... even though I heard it is as good or possibly even better than Empire Strikes Back...easily the best Star Wars movie ever made.

8. I want to see everything Larry Manetti from "Larry Manetti Presents: Celebrity Brunch" at the Plaza in Las Vegas has ever made.

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