Tuesday, January 03, 2006

Top Five Tuesday -- 2006 Style

Top Five College Football Game Moments From Yesterday
1. The Big East finally got a win by beating up on Georgia in its home stadium. Go WVU!
2. Notre Dame losing... I am not sure why this is good... but I can't stand them.
3. I don't think that Ohio State has an 3 or 4 yard plays in its game book.
4. That field goal that won for Alabama was truly the closest field goal I have ever seen. Did anyone else see that live... like I did?
5. Florida can play huh?

Top Five Chores I Did Yesterday Since I Was Left To My Own Devices For Most of It
1. Repaired all the chew marks of Tucker on the molding in the kitchen. If you look real close, you will see what I did.
2. Did three loads of laundry... including the dreaded whites.
3. Rearranged all the furniture in the dining room without damaging the floor...
4. Brushed out the Tuckmeister... just because he was sleeping.
5. Cleaned out the fireplace.

Top Five Things We Watched This Weekend
1. The Raiders covering a spread I had set up so that I could win a bet with someone for lunch.
2. Airplane!
3. College Football... it really is super awesome when it is done right.
4. Dark Water -- I really expected to hate this movie more than I did.
5. Grizzly Man -- Muh wife and I are split on this one. I liked the movie and didn't like the guy. Muh wife didn't like either.

Top Five Reasons Why I Am Excited For Next Week
1. We will be in a very warm place.
2. "Work" will consist of being in a very warm place.
3. We will be getting a massage in a very warm place.
4. Tucker will also be in a very warm place.
5. Did I mention that we will be in a very warm place?

Top Five Reasons Why New Year's Eve Was Great This Year
1. Friends
2. Karoake -- Yes... I did a rather stirring rendition of We're Not Gonna Take It AND Oops... I Did It Again... I am truly a performer... not a singer... but a performer....
3. Our very successful "Regift/$1 Store" Gift presentation was fantastic.
4. We didn't have to drive anywhere.

5. Tucker was with us. He is just cute.


tangentwoman said...

I do think this year was the best gift/regift ceremony! To put a gloomy spin on the warm weather we're supposed to experience next week, it's also likely to rain the entire time. But I suppose 80-degree rain is preferable to 35-degree rain!

barbara said...

Love my new slipper/socks complete with pom poms!

And Tucker was ADORABLE!!!

Smelmooo said...

pom poms will be all the rage in 2006.

I predict it.