Sunday, April 13, 2008

Annoying Email

Why does this annoy me so much? Especially since I love my birthday so much? I actually received this earlier this week. The "_____" had my friend's name there earlier.

I can't believe its been a whole year -- just when you thought I forgot to remind you to remember my birthday ...

A little reminder that my birthday is today, April 9.

"Gosh ____ , why do you send out a birthday reminder every year. And why should I send you b-day wishes when you forgot mine, you little punk-ass!" Well, that's the whole point. Please remind me the day before your birthday so I can remember to wish you a happy birthday and seems as kind and considerate as you do now.

Also, let me know what's been going on with you since we last spoke!

Cut and paste:


Happy 34th Birthday ____ !!!!


[Fill Your Name In Here]


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