Thursday, November 18, 2004

Another Exciting Episode...

This week's episode of Survivor saw another fun bit of editting so I thought that it was quite possible that a man wasn't gettin' the boot. We all thought it was Chad going this week but we weren't sure. Ami, the Playboy model is SOOOO in charge of that tribe...much like Brian was a few episodes ago. No one really realizes how much control she really has over them!

I was bound to lose a player.. the odds were certainly in my favor to do so. I just want Julie taken out soon...she seems much too much of an underdog... she may just coast on through. Ihope not.

CURRENT SCORE -- Pork Chop Express (6 Remaining) -- MB's team (1 Remaining) -- The number in parenthesis was the position that person was drafted.

Pork Chop Express (Smelmooo)
Leann Slaby (2)
Ami Cusack (7)
Chris Daugherty (10)
Eliza Orlins (14)
Dr. Scout Cloud Lee (15)
Twila Tanner (18)
James 'Chad' Crittenden (11) BOOTED, WEEK TEN
Lisa Keiffer (3) BOOTED. WEEK SIX!
John Palyok (6) BOOTED. WEEK THREE!

Ashhhfault (MB)
Julie Berry (5)
Lea 'Sarge' Masters (4) -- BOOTED!!! WEEK NINE!!!
Rory Freeman (9) -- BOOTED!!! WEEK EIGHT!!!
John Kenney (16) -- BOOTED!!! WEEK SEVEN!!!
Travis 'Bubba' Sampson (17) -- BOOTED!!! WEEK FIVE!!!
Brady Finta (1) -- BOOTED!!!! WEEK FOUR!!!!
Mia Galeotalanza (12) -- BOOTED!!!! WEEK THREE!!!!
Dolly Neely (13) --- BOOTED!!!! WEEK TWO!!!!!
Brook Geraghty (8) --- BOOTED! WEEK ONE!!!

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