Monday, May 10, 2010

Book 12 of 52 -- Stephen King's Under the Dome

King has ventured into sci-fi once again. His characters suffer horribly, heroes emerge, and lots of people die.

But at the last minute, one character has a break-through, and we finally get some relief from feeling trapped with the folks under the Dome.

The insignificance of the human race as mirrored in the "bug-in-a-jar" is chilling, and reminiscent of one scene in "Men In Black", where someone opens a locker door to see all possible worlds. But the character development, the capacity of men to do evil to fellow men, and the interaction make it hard to put down.

Even though it is more than a week's read, you just have to finish it, because King's storytelling is spellbinding, regardless of the setting or subject.

You must read this, just to see what the man was thinking of "next".

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