Wednesday, August 29, 2007

Taming Tucker on Vacation -- Psycho Dog

When we sleep in our normal bed at home, we cannot normally hear Tucker sleeping because we have an air purifier running.

His normal movements and idiosyncrasies are muffled.

Apparently, Tucker is a bad ass in his dreams because his growls and groans were extremely evident on this trip because we didn't have any fan or anything to drown him out.

For 30 minutes, we yelled at him to shut up and threatened his furry head with severe punishment.

Tucker continued his little growls, completely ignoring us.

Damn... I am jealous of his deep sleep.

Finally... it took me getting up... running over to him... grabbing him by the snout and giving him a good little smack to encourage him to stop his nonsense that shut him up.

The Psychopath was tamed.


tangentwoman said...

I actually disagree with you on this one. I think that Tucker wasn't sleeping at all that first night, either, because it was so quiet in the room that he could hear every creature outside, and he was growling at all of the wildlife sounds. Either way, the fan that we bought for the remaining nights of the trip was one of the best investments ever.

Smelmooo said...

I appreciate your belief that he was actually awake... but... alas... he wasn't... when I walked over... he was in one of his classic dead poses.