Sooo....we are LIIIIIIVE...... oh wait... no we aren't... that will be in a few weeks from now.
What I should say is... "Preeeeviously on... SuRvivoR..." Now... I feel at home.
Oh thank you 2 minute recap... I am reminded at how awesome Cirie is/was.
If MikeyB is the only Mike on this season, why do the credits and everyone refer to him as MikeyB? Dummies.
I am up to episode five and I have no idea what the tribe names are... Fans vs Favorites will do me just fine.
Time for the first challenge (Reward) -- It involves a challenge of floating coconuts and spelling stuff with the letters on the sides of the coconuts. Ozzy shows why he is the most amazing challenge player in Survivor history by doing some pretty damn smart movies with the coconuts. Super James and his brain will have to solve the puzzle... oh shit... as I type this... he actually is the one that solves it! Damn...
They win some hens and a cock. *7 year old giggle*
Kathy goes back to Exile Island and Ozzy volunteers to join her. Kathy so reminds me of a combination of my sisters in law. *Tangentwoman cringes*
Ozzy finds the idol and does the most intelligent thing in Survivor history. He makes a fake idol and hides it in its place. I am guessing that someone is going to "find" it and play it in a later episode. That would make me smile.
Ok... we are at our final challenge (Immunity) This is so incredible complicating that I am not going to take the time to describe what is going on. In one of the most lopsided challenges in Survivor history, the Favorites kick the Fans' asses. All of them.
Now... we have to put up with MikeyB trying to get even with Joel for voting off Big Boobies McGee Mary off the show even though MikeyB had a crush on Mary. As of now, it looks like it is going to be Chet getting voted out because he is a wimpy pants sissy face (booo hooo "I am so sick...") OR Kathy.
Tracy plays Joel like a fiddle and gets him scared of MikeyB and the conversations start about voting off MikeyB begin...
We go into tribal council and it is going to be Chet or MikeyB... interesting little twist. Jason pulls an interesting move where I first thought he was making fun of Jeff and then it turned out he was making a heartfelt plea to his tribe to vote out the "weakest" link, which really does seem to be Chet.
The votes are in and the person receiving the most votes must leave the island immediately.
Fourth person voted out... MikeyB. Fascinating.
Prediction -- I'll go with the same picks since I got them all wrong last week. Kathy if it's Fans and Jonathan if it's Favorites.
Be good kiddies.....be good.
Tucker's Nuts
1. Natalie Bolton (1)
2. Alexis Jones (4)
3. Amanda Kimmel (5)
4. Cirie Fields (8)
5. Ozzy Lusth (9)
6. Parvati Shallow (12)
7. James Clement (13)
8. Eliza Orlins (16)
9. Kathy Sleckman (17)
10. Tracy Hughes-Wolf (20)
1. Ami Cusack (2)
3. Joel Anderson(6)
4. Chet Welch (7)
6. Jonathan Penner (11)
7. Erik Reichenbach (14)
8. Jason Siska (15)
2. Michael Bortone (3) -- BOOTED WEEK FOUR!!!
5. Yao-Man Chan (10) -- BOOTED WEEK THREE!!!
9. Mary Sartain (18) -- BOOTED WEEK TWO!!!
10. Jonny Fairplay (19) -- BOOTED WEEK ONE!!!!
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