I don't really need to read instructions when I open a box and set up stuff.
It's pretty self explanatory.
So.... about a year or so ago, Tangentwoman and I broke down and purchased an HDTV, which was just lovely and stunning -- Programming automatically looked better.
Not too long ago, we were at Best Buy looking at other pieces of new technology (good thing about not have kids and having two incomes... you can look and consider buying that stuff!) when we got into a conversation with a salesman about HDTVs.
He mentioned that we should have an HDMI cable connected between the device (cable box) and the TV -- "You won't believe me, but you aren't really getting HD. We have a return policy and if this cord doesn't work, please bring it back."

I hemmed and hawed and broke down because of the awesome return policy -- especially when I saw the price tag of the cable.
Whiskey Tango Foxtrot... he was right!
That is REAL HD -- Frigging awesomeness is exuding from my television now and I am sooooo psyched about it that I am soooo looking forward to Dancing With the Stars on real HD.
Sometimes... you really SHOULD listen to the guy at Best Buy -- he might know what he is talking about.
get the cord....it's awesome!
I DID get it... it's awesome.
It's all a scam.
HDMI should be able to deliver marginally better picture than an S video, but since both signals are already digital, there should be little to no degradation from the box to the TV. However, you will see a vast improvement if you are upgrading from analog cables.
And I don't even own an HD set yet.
We upgraded from the "analog" cable cords...
Huge difference.
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