Monday, January 05, 2009

Book 1 of 52 -- Laura Pedersen's Beginner's Luck

Thanks to Gina, I was treated to this author who writes in a fun and fresh way.

The protagonist of this novel is a 16 year old girl who arrives in my world in a cute and fun way.

She deals with her problems like a regular person and not finding her solutions in a cult or with vampires...

I liked it a lot and I loved the cast of characters that she meets when she moves in with the Stockton family...

Even the chimp...


mickeyg said...

"Even the chimp". Come on, how many authors can have a chimp whose in AA seem normal???? Glad you liked it.

Smelmooo said...


Even the chimp.

I don't wanna ruin it for anyone else. :)