Tuesday, January 16, 2007

Golden Globes 2007 -- A Retrospective of Sorts

The girl from Little Miss Sunshine is a cutie patootie... but I have one thought E!. Don't Glam Cam an 8 year old!!!! It's just plain disturbing.

Julianna DiPandi needs to have someone run a lawnmower over her head... not because she has bad hair, but because she is annoyingerest than anyone.

When I was watching the Golden Globes Pre-Show and I was chatting with a friend when I threw this one out there.
sMelMoOO (7:03:33 PM): I am trapped in the hell called...
sMelMoOO (7:03:50 PM): "Muh wife has hijacked the television for the Golden Friggng Globes pre-show"

I have three words for Cameron Diaz and her look -- What the F*ck?

Juliana DiPandi only knows three phrases... 1. "What are you wearing?" 2. "Beautiful!!!" 3. "Please put me out of my misery and hit me in the head with a huge shovel." Oh wait... I have dreams that I sometimes express out loud...

Jeremy Piven is getting into Minute 14 right now of his career, but poor Jeremy's interview was unceremoniously interupted for that asshole couple Bradgelina. WRONG crappy network E!!!!

Eddie Murphy seems to have reached... umm... I don't know... ASSHOLE status...(written at 7:45ish -- When he won his globe... I took it back.)

Is it a coincidence that an African American won the first two awards on Martin Luther King, Jr. day? (Yes... Smelmooo is a putz.)

Thank you Emily Blunt for wearing that dress... I speak on behalf of all the poor heterosexual men that were forced to watch this show by their wives.

Sacha Baron Cohen kicks so much smelly ass. I cried during his speech. As soon as someone gets footage of it up on You Tube... I swear I am putting it up as its own blog.

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