I want to raise my expeectations again from last year and shoot for 52 books again in 2007 as I did in 2005. I easily accomplished this in 2006 as well...as my bursts of reading tend to follow a pattern.
I read a lot more from January to March for a variety of reasons.
1. I travel a lot on planes for work so I need to read to pass the time.
2. It is colder so I am not outside killing time, but inside reading.
3. Fires are fun to read around.
So let's kick off 2007 with David Baldacci's Hour Game.

Quick and easy plot description includes a pair of detectives trying to solve the murder of someone while a "serial" killer is running around town killing people in fun and unique ways that resemble old serial killers modus of operandi.
It's good. It was 600 pages in paperback and could have easily been trimmed by 100 pages, but it is still good. It is really one of those books that is complicated enough to hold your attention and absurd enough to accept it as pure fiction. Baldacci is good at that...and I suppose that is exactly why he has been so successful.
damn you and your wealth of reading. i hope those yellow M&Ms give you FD&C Yellow #5 poisoning.....
I love you Steakbellie...
Make love to my Book Worm
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