Monday, March 19, 2007

Book 17 of 52 -- Stephen White's Dry Ice

It's only March.... I must be ahead of schedule. I am flying out to San Antonio tomorrow and returning on Saturday... you know what that means? It means that I will have finished a whole bunch of books.

I was excited to see that one of my favorite authors Stephen White decided to put out his annual mystery Dry Ice starring his re-occurring character -- Alan Gregory.

Alan Gregory is psychologist and for the past 15 or so years, he seems to get caught up in some sort of murder mystery where he must rely on his psychological prowess to somehow solve the crime and save the day.

I enjoy these books as White is an intelligent writer who has a good sense of misdirection and is able to incorporate his former career as an actual clinical psychologist into the mystery.

Alan Gregory as a character is easy to associate with as he is flawed and has some very real qualities about him. He enjoys success yet remains true to his roots. I enjoy whatever adventure he gets himself into.

For weeks, I have been receiving emails from the Stephen White email list advertising and teasing me with the latest Alan Gregory novel... and I couldn't wait.

The library had a copy on the first day... so I picked it up... of course... and I read it in a few days.

He re-focused all his attentions back upon Alan where his last books drifted away from him. It tapped into feelings that most people could relate to. I got to a point where I couldn't put the book down at times.

Book was really good and the last 200 pages was fast paced and exciting...

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