Thursday, October 14, 2004

Survivor Obsession... Week Five -- Then a Break

Muh honey and I sat down tonight to watch Week Five of Survivor knowing full well that we wouldn't be able to watch it again until we return from our honeymoon. Good times... good times...

Plain and simple... although it is not as good a season for charater development.. I am finding myself hating people just as much as normal. I am also the proud owner of a team that has taken a FOUR person lead over my competition. This week after a shake up on the island in the form of an earthquake and then a shake up in tribal line ups, I am now grounded and sitting at my computer.

The tribes got all mixed up and because of his own stupidity... Bubba was booted. I will give Ashfault one thing.. it was his last pick... pretty much what he was left with. Bubba blew it by trying to communicate with his former tribemates and he was caught by my new girfriend.. ex-Playboy model Ami Cusack. God bless America.

Thank you Survivor for the early honeymoon present... bless your hearts....

CURRENT SCORE -- Pork Chop Express (8 Remaining) -- MB's team (4 Remaining) -- The number in parenthesis was the position that person was drafted.

Pork Chop Express (Smelmooo)
Leann Slaby (2)
Lisa Keiffer (3)
Ami Cusack (7)
Chris Daugherty (10)
James 'Chad' Crittenden (11)
Eliza Orlins (14)
Dr. Scout Cloud Lee (15)
Twila Tanner (18)
John Palyok (6) BOOTED. WEEK THREE!

Ashhhfault (MB)
Lea 'Sarge' Masters (4)
Julie Berry (5)
Rory Freeman (9)
John Kenney (16)
Travis 'Bubba' Sampson (17) -- BOOTED!!! WEEK FIVE!!!
Brady Finta (1) -- BOOTED!!!! WEEK FOUR!!!!
Mia Galeotalanza (12) -- BOOTED!!!! WEEK THREE!!!!
Dolly Neely (13) --- BOOTED!!!! WEEK TWO!!!!!
Brook Geraghty (8) --- BOOTED! WEEK ONE!!!

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