Tuesday, October 12, 2004

Top Five Tuesday -- Post Wedding Edition

Top Five Wedding Things -- Obligatory Wedding Top Five List Three Days Later
1. Yes... I cried... a hell of a lot.
2. Yes... she really is/was the most beautiful bride... EVER.
3. Yes... we had our own shuttle back to the hotel as the one that left right before us was COMPLETELY FULL and they still laughed at us...
4. Yes...our first marital sex was in a Holiday Inn (That is so much fun to say.)
5. Yes... I am so glad that we had Swedish fish in a Rolls Royce. Too cool for school.

Top Five Places You Probably Won't Find Me
1. Places that Wax Body Hair
2. Connecticut -- It really is the most God Awful state in the union.
3. A cucumber farm
4. At a Country Music Concert
5. On a rollercoaster

Top Five Chores You Love to Procrastinate
1. Cleaning the Toilet -- Damn that brown ring around the water... why can't I just piss it away?!?!
2. Sweeping the front steps -- Too many tools for so little work but maximum results!
3. Snow Shoveling -- Please let me convince myself that it will be a snow day if I don't do anything...
4. Weeding -- Those little bastards just won't go away. DIE WEEDS!!! DIE!!!!!!
5. Putting Clean Clothes in Drawers -- I cleaned them, but th epiles will remain.

Top Five Chores I Should Procrastinate But Love Doing
1. Ironning -- Yes... with a bottle of wine and wrestling..how can I go wrong?
2. Laundry -- I do... I love it so much... warm cloths rock.
3. Watering the Lawn -- Boring....but I love setting up that thingy majiggy
4. Mowing the Lawn -- It only takes five minutes and god bless the mulching feature!
5. Fixing a Leak.

Top Five Funniest Mispronunciations of Words
1. Epitome
2. Onerous
3. You's guys
4. Idea -- Silly New York and North Jersey people like to add an R at the end of the word. What the hell is that all about?
5. Library -- Libary? WHAT?!?!?!

Top Five Recipes of Biblical Times (Borrowed From Internet -- Just too funny not to share.)
1. Delilah's Angelhair Pasta
2. Solomon's 50/50 Split Peas
3. Judas' Eggs Benedict
4. Noah's Rootbeer Float
5. Satan's Hot Cross Buns

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