Thursday, October 28, 2004

Survivor Obsession... Week Seven.. Two in as Many Days!!

Phew... I was lucky to have my opponent tape Survivor for me so I could watch it upon my return from the honeymoon. It was a bitter sweet episode as it was exceptional, but I lost my second player. Lisa -- the fake boobed real estate agent went on a tour of her own... back home. .

Tonight was Week Seven. It was another good episode and I am happy to report that last night's loss was counteracted tonight as John "Pretty Booy" K was booted. I wish I could say more... but bless my lead... bless it.

CURRENT SCORE -- Pork Chop Express (7 Remaining) -- MB's team (3 Remaining) -- The number in parenthesis was the position that person was drafted.

Pork Chop Express (Smelmooo)
Leann Slaby (2)
Ami Cusack (7)
Chris Daugherty (10)
James 'Chad' Crittenden (11)
Eliza Orlins (14)
Dr. Scout Cloud Lee (15)
Twila Tanner (18)
Lisa Keiffer (3) BOOTED. WEEK SIX!
John Palyok (6) BOOTED. WEEK THREE!

Ashhhfault (MB)
Lea 'Sarge' Masters (4)
Julie Berry (5)
Rory Freeman (9)
John Kenney (16) -- BOOTED!!! WEEK SEVEN!!!
Travis 'Bubba' Sampson (17) -- BOOTED!!! WEEK FIVE!!!
Brady Finta (1) -- BOOTED!!!! WEEK FOUR!!!!
Mia Galeotalanza (12) -- BOOTED!!!! WEEK THREE!!!!
Dolly Neely (13) --- BOOTED!!!! WEEK TWO!!!!!
Brook Geraghty (8) --- BOOTED! WEEK ONE!!!

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