Friday, June 04, 2004

Fresh Produce In Stock Form

We joined our fellow blogger Gina in a program at Cook College at Rutgers University. She discovered that the school provides fresh produce to any private citizen that pays a fee. You are essentially buying a stock in their agriculture school and they reward you with fresh and exotic produce.

We got our first stash this week and it was certainly as eclectic as I thought it would be. The items included some standard fare of sage, lettuce and spinach. It was the HUGE stalks of pok choy and lemongrass that struck my interest though and I am ready to cook these up tonight.

What would you cook these with you may ask? I have no clue. The program supplies you with a weekly newsletter as well. In the newsletter, they provide recipes. Tonight, I am going to try and grace our table with grilled salmon in a red curry Thai sauce. Anyone want some leftovers?

I thought so... you know where to find us.

P.S. rowr... and go Yankees!

1 comment:

jame1030 said...

Damn, sounds good... Barbara can give you some ideas of what to do with lemon grass. She uses it all the time in some asian dishes.