Sunday, June 13, 2004

Moving In

I am 30 years old and I am still asking my friends to help me move my furniture. I had successfully removed everything that wasn't significant furniture by myself and I was excited to get my other furniture into our home. We wanted to make this a place that we could relax ... and the arrival of our furniture has made that possible.

Regardless of the end result, I was blessed to have three friends volunteer to help me move my crap. It took us just over 3 hours and everything made it over in the same amount of pieces it started in... except on drawer. That drawer is now back to its original form and is holding my fancy schmansy sweatpants.

The more important thoughts I am having are... when is it appropriate to stop asking people to help you move your crap? Even with the impending combination of our earthly possessions, it was still a move of just my stuff as her stuff will slowly arrive over the next four months.

When I got to the truck rental spot, I was the first person on line and two groups were behind me. The first was a 40ish year old gentleman that seemed to be renting a van with 12 seats. I am guessing that he got the van to transport a group of people someplace. Hopefully, it was someplace fun with a bunch of alcohol.

The other person was a chick and her three stallions. They were all about 23 and all they could talk about was how wasted everyone was the night before. Hello friends... was that ever important to me? If it was... I apologize to all the strangers that had to listen to my inane babble about how drunk I was or how drunk my friends were. It is something I should be proud of...

Anyway... they were getting the truck to move all of her crap. It was a group effort and they expected to be done by 12 but dammit.. they got super drunk the night before.. this waking up at 8:00 am for them was something that none of them "enjoyed" or "appreciated."

SO how old is too old? I am not sure it is really something that can be measured by age. This was certainly the easiest move I have ever had as there were four of us... we were all strong... and we got the job doen well and efficiently. Age made the job easier to complete... our experience made it easier and effective.

I suggest a different means of measurement. I think that now that muh honey have stuff -- real stuff and now that all of our stuff is combined, we will be moving to using a moving company. It was only a matter of time.

Aside from supplying beer and pizza to my super duper friends, I don't know how to thank those guys enough. Thanks guys.

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