Tuesday, November 29, 2005

Top Five Tuesday

Top Five Pets I Have Had
1. Tucker
2. Bud
3. Goldfish -- Silly plastic bags full of water and fish...only lead to floating heart break....
4. Gerbil #1 -- He died when I wrote with magic marker on his head.
5. Gerbil #2 -- See above.

Top Five Things I Just Don't Understand
1. Country Music -- I ran over my cat...WHAT? My mother kissed muh daddy and ran away with.... WHAT?!?! This type of music is useless and we are making tons of money from idiots... WHAT?!?!?! (OK...maybe that Big and Rich song about riding a cowboy is fun...)
2. Piercings in parts that are often frowned up to even discuss in public let alone PIERCING THEM!
3. Tequilla
4. Vegans
5. The Onion -- Same joke for 6+ years. I just don't get it..

Top Five Porn Names
1. Downy Soft
2. Dick Kamin
3. Rush Mountmore
4. Pickle Pants
5. Ivanna Scrue

Top Five Ways to Skin a Cat
1. Knife
2. Razor
3. Machette
4. Rusty Nail
5. Love Songs Station -- 24 Hours of Love Music...

Top Five Things I Can Do To Annoy My Co-Workers
1. Announce that I need 3 months off as I am pregnant.
2. Bring donuts from two weeks ago -- ever watch someone eat a stale donut after they got their hearts up for a good fresh donut? The "Ick! This is horrible!" Cringe is fantastic!
3. Talk about my puppy... for the 45th time that day.
4. Handle emergencies on my own without the help of anyone else. Don't you hate it when someone does their job well enough that they might not need your nosy nose for help? I know I sure do.
5. Smooch them.

Top Five Elementary School Smells
1. Kids after gym class that refused to shower because puberty didn't happen yet.
2. Sloppy Joes day
3. The old mimeograph machines.
4. Sawdust... you remember what they used to put sawdust on.. don't you?
5. Cleaning solution found in those green rags they wiped the lunch room tables with.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Showers after gym class? (didn't even have those in my ghetto high school) Sloppy joes? (closest we have is a meatball sandwich in school these days)and mimeograph machines? Your age is starting to show. :)
- Leslie