Friday, February 17, 2006

Random Thoughts...

1. Can someone please explain to me how I can possibly justify taping every single first run episode of Flavor of Love? I really do love this train wreck of a show. The women make this show.. they have no idea of how much I am laughing at them.

2. Open Letter to the Peeping Tom on Tuesday: yes... you caught me watching Gilmore Girls with my wife... you did... now... damn you...

3. I heard that the number one reason that a song becomes a hit is "peer pressure" eh... the number one reason is that the song pretty much sucks...and now one will say it but snobs like me.

4. This is a picture done by a professional of a family dog. I/We love our dog... but this is a bit on the nutsy side. Kicker is... there was a line to get it done!

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