Wednesday, February 01, 2006

Book 7 of 26 -- My Last Steve Martini Book for A Few

In Undue Influence, Steve Martini has brought back a character (Paul Madriani) that I have begun to really appreciate. of the 7 books of Martini that I have yet to read, he is the primary character in 5 of them and I look forward to reading each of them.

What I like most about the charater is that he is intelligent and keeps the reader a part of his life. He adds humor and doesn't treat the reader as though he is an idiot.

I predicted the killer in the first 15% of the book. With about 20 pages left to go out of 457 total pages, I was disappointed as I thought I predicted the murderer incorrectly. Then... Martini switched it around on me and I was shocked to learn that I was correct.

What Martini has kept from me in this writing is the meaning of the title... it made no sense to me whatsoever.

Of the Madriani books, this is my favorite one so far.

Next up... I decided to read a book that wasn't on any of the lists I have provided so far... Scooter by Mick Foley.

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