Monday, May 22, 2006

Word Endings -- A Lesson In Fun-A DOODLE!!!

When I met my wife some five years ago, I was on a kick to be more silly. A recent relationship ending had made me dislike most people yet... I wanted to get out of that funk by being a tad bit silly.

I used the English language to amuse my little brain.

I began to add the phrase "a-doodle" onto the end of selected phrases... generally at times when I could have been construed as being serious. People would listen to me, think I was making a serious point and then add... a doodle to throw them off. I would NEVER do this with anyone in a business environment or in a serious situation like a doctor's office. It was always in the most random of places with people I was comfortable with.

For example -- Said to a friend, "I was hanging out a few friends the other night and it came up that Sally is a big jerk-a-doodle."

How does one really respond to a grown up who adds the pharase a-doodle onto something? I am not quite sure.

My wife, however, laughed it off... I could tell early on that she wasn't sure how to handle the random a-doodles and would shrug it off. Over some time, she learned to accept them and throw in her own a-doodles. We would laugh about it especially when it was at its most random.

I began to eventually tire of a-doodle and switched to "pants." I would generally use the word pants in conjunction with a Mr., Mrs., or Miss...

For example... "What is that smell?... It must be you... Mr. Stinky Pants..." or... "Is that the way to Newark, Mrs. Directions Pants?"

These were random again and would just flow out of my mouth. It was sort of mocking yet innocent enough not to offend.

I write this blog today because I have officially decided to TRY to retire pants with the word "McGee". I find that for some reason, people seem to find that word funny. I am not sure if it is because they like Irish people or some other deep seeded theory that Irish folks are dopes, but it works...

For example... "What is that smell?... It must be you... Stinky McGee..." or... "Is that the way to Newark, Directions McGee?"

I fully undertand that this is one of those... you have to be there sort of set of exchanges and muh blog isn't doing any of it true justice... but oh well...

I encourage you all to go out and meet up with friends and refer to them by an adjective and add McGee to it.. It almost always evokes a smile...or maybe... just maybe... they are laughing AT me.


Carrie said...

I still use pants often. My daughter is often just called Missy Pants. McGee reminds me of my grandpa who used to call everyone McGuilicudy.

steakbellie said...

i use pants but mostly folowing 'filthy' & 'stinky'