Sooo... we get a quick recap... Jason's a dope but he made it through because Parvarti led a brilliant little coup on Ozzy... getting him booted from the game. Seriously... I have said it from the first time that she was on Survivor to now... Parvati is awesome and should be taken seriously...
So... we are here the next day... in camp and the fans are all hanging out... Amanda is pretty frigging upset right now and pulls out her whining side... and says stupid stuff like... now I know they are here to play this game... stupid dumb face... of course they are... THEY'RE FANS (Granted... they are "fans" who don't know how to make fire... but FANS NONETHELESS!!!)
I am selling something on eBay right now... and I can't stop myself from going and looking... my addiction is back since I haven't seriously sold anything in almost a year...
Day 28.... la la la la... there is lots of ominous music and now they are focussing on James' finger... it is pretty gross and infected... and then they bring it around to have Parvati doing damage control with James... and it's one of the most awkward conversations in Survivor history... I am not quite sure if James looked good or dopey after that conversation.
However... Parvati is obviously controlling this game. Fascinating...
Yay... Reward Challenge time and it is one of our favorite challenges... the Survivor auction! There is a new twist on this... Monday is not allowed to be shared and neither are items. What did they buy in Micronesia? Hotdogs... Bats... octopus... peanut butter and jelly sandwich... bottle with a note... Natalie gets teh opportunity to send someone to Exile Island and she chooses Jason and he learns that another idol is there...
Now... Natalie wins an entire chocolate cake and she is allowed to share with 3 others and they have 60 secs to eat as much as possible... that is going to be fun... Erik offered Cirie $40 to lick her chocolate covered fingers... and she let him... ICK.
Natalie is talking... and she is referring to Jason as a "bitch". who knew that she was able to talk and so meanly at the same time. Fascinating...
So now we get to Jason out on Exile Island and he seems to think that he is a lucky fella and that he can trust people like Natalie... who was just calling him a bitch. Jason is really just a dope... a silly dopey... dope.
Sooo... the ladies scheme... and I have a headache trying to figure it out... and somehow... this has become girls against the guys... so arbitrary... again...
It's Day 30 and Erik turns the ripe old age of 22 and shows every minute of it......
The crazieness that is this season is best portrayed of some sort of spider eating another spider... thank you Survivor for that imagery.
Immunity Challenge!!! The scheme involves getting Jason to throw the challenge so that they can get him to play his newly found immunity idol. Huh? Right.. so the challenge is based upon old challenges.... Jason doesn't win... but it comes down to Erik and James in the final part of the challenge... and Erik does win a nail biter... Happy Birthday Erik.
Still annoying... but Happy birthday...
Sooooo... sooooo the scheming begins... and the scheme of complexity is apparently working because they are all celebrating something.... a bit later on... they search his bag and I hate to admit this, but I think that's wrong that they found it. He's a dope and will tell you anyway...
Natalie admits to being evil and she is having a lot more fun... as her strategy in this game switches from lying low to being a crazy bitch (by her own admission)...
James says to Amanda... "There is no way that dummy (Jason) is not not going to play his idol tonight..."
What do you think small universe of America? I bet he doesn't play it.
Quick recap kids -- At the beginning of the episode, I completely didn't know or care about Natalie... by the end of the episode, she is a crazy faced crazy face.
At tribal council... Yappy and Ozzy appear and the conversations continue to provide little to no substance except that James sells out Parvati to Ozzy as the traitor...
So they vote....
Jason does NOT play his idol.
Final vote?
Sucker bites it... seemed like way too much scheming to boot a big dope from the challenge. Oh well.
Welcome Home Survivor Jason...
Prediction for next week -- Erik finally bites it... PLEASE?!?!?!?! (FOURTH TIME... REALLY????)
Tucker's Nuts
1. Natalie Bolton (1)
2. Alexis Jones (4)
3. Amanda Kimmel (5)
4. Cirie Fields (8)
6. Parvati Shallow (12)
7. James Clement (13)
5. Ozzy Lusth (9) -- Booted Week Ten
8. Eliza Orlins (16) -- Booted Week Nine
10. Tracy Hughes-Wolf (20) -- Booted Week Seven
9. Kathy Sleckman (17) -- Out Week Seven -- Quitting Poop Face
7. Erik Reichenbach (14)
8. Jason Siska (15) -- BOOTED WEEK ELEVEN!!!!!
1. Ami Cusack (2) -- BOOTED WEEK EIGHT!!!!!
4. Chet Welch (7) -- BOOTED WEEK SIX!!!!!
6. Jonathan Penner (11) -- Injured Week Six :(
3. Joel Anderson(6) -- BOOTED WEEK FIVE!!!
2. Michael Bortone (3) -- BOOTED WEEK FOUR!!!
5. Yao-Man Chan (10) -- BOOTED WEEK THREE!!!
9. Mary Sartain (18) -- BOOTED WEEK TWO!!!
10. Jonny Fairplay (19) -- BOOTED WEEK ONE!!!!
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