I used to entertain her with my wit and charm.
I used to enjoy days and nights of frivolity and glee with her talking and laughing at whatever came out of muh mouth...
I used to smile at her knowing she was the sweet love of muh life...
She used one of her Xmas gift cards to purchase a Ms. PacMan 5-in1 TV Game that features 5 Classic Arcade Games in 1 controller -- Ms. PacMan, Galaga, Xevious, Pole Position, and Mappy.

She has been wanting this for some time and I knew it was going to be a Christmas present this year in some fashion.
I especially knew this because she waxed on poetically every time we would see one about how much "ass" she kicked as a child while playing the game...
That should have been my first signal of changes to come...
The little console was plugged in almost immediately upon entering the house. She played it and got absorbed by it pretty quickly. At the time, it made me extremely happy to see how happy the game made her...
Then...the mouth of a sailor arrived.
My dear sweet wife became a potty mouth of the highest degree...
I learned new words... what exactly is a &%#@(&?
Now... almost a week later... I am making a vow to muhself...whenever I hear the extremely distinctive Ms. PacMan sounds in the background, I am going to leave the house with my valuables... as I am not sure that muh dear sweet sailor mouth wife won't burn our house down.
My biggest concern is poor little Tucker... I hope he doesn't start using these words in public.
I love you Tangent Woman... please come back to me soon!
It does get pretty heated -- that Blinky can be a real bastard. Maybe my New Year's resolution will be to lose the potty mouth, or at least to establish a Swear Jar of some sort.
Oh goodie... a swear jar... That should enable us to buy a new game in short order.
must be a 'wife' thing. you put mine in front of Ms. PacMan or Pitfall, and it's all over
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