Dear Haters,
Apparently, having a good time and checking your reality at the door is too much to ask from you all.
Pirates 2 was a wonderfully FUN movie. It wasn't the greatest movie ever made, but I can certainly say that it was one of the funnest times I have ever had at the movies.
The adventure and action shots were over the top but not reliant on special effects. They were character driven and made enough sense for me not to care.
Johnny Depp was perfect in the role and I would argue not in the movie enough, but too much more would have been overkill (Thanks Dan for that thought.)
Pirates 2 was a blast and if you have the ability to enjoy yourself and think about nothing, this movie is perfect since it is just a long and fun roller coaster ride.
P.S. That ending was awesome. I can't wait until May 27, 2007 to see how they resolve it. For the one person that didn't know it was a transitional movie and complained about it.... *yawn*... too bad.
Ok, hate to do this, but TOTALLY disagree with your take on the movie. While I didn't hate #2 it was a big disappointment. I loved the first one, the perfect mix of action/adventure, comedy, and fairy tale. I went into the sequel with mediocre expectations as it is a sequel and came out feeling that the movie barely even met mediocre standards. There were WAY too many special effects, and while I can suspend disbelief and often enjoy doing so, (as I did for the first one),this one contained too many different pieces that just seemed contrived and added in to make the movie longer.
The first one did not take itself so seriously and the dialogue was extremely clever and not forced. This movie seemed thrown together and jam packed with as many twists as possible, instead of having a focus like the first. I felt myself getting annoyed at the characters instead of caring for them. As for the ending, what a cop out. Of course I loved the last 10 seconds merely because I missed that character, but talk about making an ending (or not, which really any film maker could do) simply to get people to see the next one...just seems like the pirate crew is selling out to me.
Give me a break!
Did we not forget that this is a silly summer film to help us escape form the bullshit that is the Bush Administration?
Seriously though... you need to get your "fun" bone put back in. I am not sure who took it, but I am truly disappointed in you Leslie!
Looks like I am going to have to steal your friend.
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