Wednesday, December 27, 2006

Flying -- A True Nightmare Story

Muh wife and I recently flew someplace. She was lucky enough (much to her chagrin) to be bumped up to first class leaving the ole Smelmooo behind to sit next to a 13 year oldish young boy with long hair that appeared to be pretty sleepy.

It's important to the story to note that he and his big father sitting directly behind us were dressed up in camoflague and looked mean.

The flight began and about 15 minutes into the flight, the kid entered comatose stage.

Comatose stage entailed that he would drift back and forth between the two people he was sitting between which included me in the aisle seat.

He leaned onto me so much that I would push him back whenever possible. I was pretty tolerant for about 90 minutes ina 180 minute flight. Muh wife thought I was pretty tolerant of the situation when she visited me in the beginning of the flight. The kid was leaning on me ... And I was letting it go. got weird. The kid was basically fighting my forceful shoves and had his head in my lap. That's when I got pretty absolutely uncomfortable. I cannot express enough how horrible this situation really was.

I called over the flight attendant and said the following "I want you to please witness this as a neutral third party.". She gave me a look of incredulity and shrugged.

That was when I grabbed the kid's head with both hands while looking at the flight attendant. It made her nervous, but oh well. I took his head and forcefully "shoved" it to the center of his seat.

He finally woke up and was startled by this.

"Please, in the name of all that is good and holy, keep your body off of mine."

He did.

Here's the amazing thing though. I use muh wife as my moral compass in situations such as these and even with the way I wrote this, she thought I was totally in the right.

So...the flight finished and we went to get our bag and it was lost... Maybe I was being punished by a greater force.

Continental gave us a bag of toiletries -- the very items that we can't take on board anymore... they better stock up on these bags.

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