Thursday, December 07, 2006

People Watching is Fun

One of my favorite things to do is watch people -- mostly those I do not know. I like to watch people go about their normal activities and act as though the odd things they are doing are in fact, normal. ( I may even make this a regular I love watching people and their idiosyncracies....)

I just seem to have seen so many "odd" people recently that I feel that I need to share with you some of the totally insane things I have seen. I can sit back and notice people and they really have no idea of how much they are entertaining me.

1. I was walking down my block when I saw a woman running. She was in her workout clothes and seemed to have worked up a good sweat. When she passed me, I noticed that she had on a telephone head set and was talking about some sort of transaction. That was the ultimate I have seen in saving time. She was working and working out. What a combination!

2. At the gym, I watched a gentleman completely disrespect the free towels that you are handed when you walk in the door. When you are finished working out, you return the towels and the gym will wash them and redistribute them to future people. I watched a guy completely jam it up his nose and blow all of the contents onto the towel. He then took said towel and tossed it into the "to be washed" container. Disgusting.

3. At the barber, I listened to my barber and a lawyer in town discuss the merits of a particular woman's breasts. The problem was... the woman they were discussing was in the barbershop. It made me cringe... yet they really think the woman had no idea... as do I or I would think she would have left.... or ....... maybe not.

You gotta know folks like these... what other wacky nut jobs have you seen?

1 comment:

Wendy said...

I'd add my 2 cents, but I'm reeling over the guy blowing his snot into the gym towel. Blech!