Friday, June 29, 2007

Movie Previews... Suck

As a kid and teenager and young adult, the words, "My favorite part about going to the movies are the previews!" were not uncommon coming from me.

I loved them so much that I even watched the show "Coming Attractions" on the young E! channel which was a half hour of... coming attraction previews.

Over time... with the advent of the internet with movie previews easily available and with DVDs having up to 15 movie previews on them, I began to lose interest in previews.

The NINE previews before the almost three hour Pirates of the Carribbean 3 movie were another final straw.

I have turned on them and turn pretty hard.

I think previews stink.

They give away far too much information.

They are loud and long.

They give people more time to be raucous and LATE.

Previews are bad for all the bad reasons.

Let me ask Hollywood the following requests:

Please stop it with the predictable and silly movie previews unless you actually have a clever and/or sweet film like Waitress or Once.

Please stop showing previews for horror movies since they are all the same and look the same and for goodness sakes... I LOVE HORROR MOVIES, but stop inundating me with vilent images just to have the movie be rated PG-13.

(Side note -- Horror movies that are PG-13 are a complete and total waste of my frigging time and don't bother showing them to me.)

Please reduce my ticket price a quarter for every preview you show... since you are wasting that much time of my life.

I am all over the place here with this one, but I will end with this.


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