Monday, October 03, 2005

World War II Exhibit

When I was in DC last week, I was able to sneak a couple hours on the brightest day imaginable to go see the recently opened World War II exhibit.

Holy crap was it an incredibly large and impressive monument.

Unlike the Korean War monument that went for subtlety, the WWII exhibit smacks you over the head with its grandioseness (new word) and meaning, but it works...

It is all so incredible and inclusive as well.

These pictures do not really do it much justice at all.

I really recommend checking it out if you can.

Now... why don't we have a WWI monument?


steakbellie said...

agreed on the WWII. I was there this summer and it was awesome. Very moving.....


steakbellie said...

I had to delete your last comment. I'm not worried about someone knowing my name or stuff like that but I dont want those things searchable. If someone from my work would Google the company, it's likely my blog would rate higher than said company.

Dont get all pouty about it either. Did they include the photo? I look like I'm going bald in that photo! OI! Gimme a few more years please!
