Of the 66 matches, I watched a portion or all of approximately 30 games. I enjoyed watching one of my favorite sports and let me just say that I loved the ESPN 360 that let me watch games... even when I was at work.

Now... before I list a few of my highlights... I want to make one quick statement.
If you don't like soccer or you don't understand the complexities of the game, shut the hell up. The one amazing thing that soccer evokes in the United States is a deep hatred or passion. I heard one of two types of statements during the World Cup from those people that know that I love the game.
1. " Did you see that ... (Insert awesome event here...)?" Then, we would talk about the game or the event and enjoy the rest of our conversation.
2. "I HATE soccer. I don't understand the stupid f-ing sport and the World Cup is shit." Why do you have to be argumentative? Just keep your mouth shut and don't be so stupid. Most of the time, they tried to prove their points by pointing out the poor performance of the Untied States. The United States was/is one of the top 36 teams in the world... and made it to the World Cup through hard work and play (not an automatic bid). They were also the ONLY team to not get beaten by Italy who beat six other teams to win the entire World Cup.
Now... with that said, I do remember SZG and our discussion. We discussed the World Cup and he admitted that he tried and just didn't understand. Great! Thanks to him for not being a jackass and trying to ruin the sport/event for me.
Ok... muh highlights.
1. The United States was the only team to NOT lose to Italy... the World Cup champions... AND they did it one man down for the entire second half. That was truly a remarkable event...but I am not supposed to like soccer because the United States "sucks." Stupid me.
2. Renaldo breaking the World Cup scoring record.
3. Zeidine's head butt in the last ten minutes of overtime in the final game was absolutely absurd. It almost ruined the entire event by being absolutely pathetic.

4. I am mostly in awe of goalkeepers. They dive and act all nutty and make some of the most athletic and acrobatic moves from any sport.
Alright... that's enough for me... I am out of here and I can't wait until South Africe in 2010.
I agree. The World Cup was awesome and I can't wait until the qualifiers start again. Also I am stoked that South Jersey might get an MLS team. I imagine they would try real hard to acquire Albright and Convey, both Philly kids.
If you are nice to me, I'll have my little guy call you and sing some Sam's Army songs. He's really quite good.
I have heard you sing on my machine.
Could he do much better?
I work so hard to entertain you and this is the thanks I get.
Good point.
Please sing...I can't wait.
Or.. have your kid sing.
Either way is good.
I think the Germany/Italy game was one of the best displays of goal-keeping I have ever seen. On both sides of the field. It was just unreal and for me, a little inspiring.
Also, there was probably no better place in the U.S. to see the final game than Little Italy. It was incredible.
We are in 100% agreement except for the not being a sport.
That guy shouldn't have gotten the Golden Ball...
That belogned to the US Goalie...
Excellent, love it!
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