Tuesday, November 28, 2006

Getting THE Call...

Muh wife and I went on a short trip recently where we had to put Tucker into the dog resort.

When we check him in, we always fill out a sheet that lists what we are dropping off and an emergency contact. 99% of the time, the emergency contact is me. I figure that I will take the call and locate someone who can help out. It's better to be the clearinghouse since we know the strengths and weaknesses of most of our key contacts.

So late in the day on the night he is actually sleeping over, we come out of a movie in New York City when we see on my phone that resort had left me a message.

This left us upset and with a pit in our stomach. In all of his stays, they have never called us about anything. We immediately got concerned and rushed out of the theater.

After fumbling for a bit, we heard that the message was about something benign that didn't have to do with his well being at all. I was gut wrenching there for a little bit.

If that didn't prove to us just how much we love the furry little fella, I don't know what will.

We then got into a discussion about what would have had to have been wrong for us to cut the trip short. Dying? Breaking a leg? Losing a toe? what?

We decided to not think about it or talk about it any more than we had to.


Anonymous said...

I totally feel you.

A little over a year ago, I found a couple of lumps on Duke's leg and cheek. I took him to the vet and found out that the lump on the cheek was nothing - scar tissue - but the lump on his leg was "abnormal". The vet did a once-over on him and found another lump in his arm pit, which was also deemed "abnormal".

The vet explained that sometimes dogs get tumors on their skin but they go away within a couple of weeks. However, they are usually on puppies (Duke's a senior dog) and almost never more than one at a time. Since these were a bit abnormal, the vet said I should wait a week, keep an eye on him to see if any other lumps appear, and keep thinking positive thoughts.

Within 2 days, I found 3 more lumps. I rushed back to the vet and had her take some of the cells from the tumors to send to the pathologist. She said I would hear within 3 days, which would be Friday.

Friday morning came and my vet's office called. One pathologist looked at the cells but wanted another doctor to look, too, before giving a final report. I wouldn't have the results until Monday. I thought was gonna die! I thought for sure Duke had cancer and they were delaying telling me.

About 20 minutes later, the vet herself called - it seems the 2nd pathologist agreed with the first that the cells were completely harmless and that all was OK.

I have never been so relieved in all my life, and the 20 minutes between those two calls lasted a lifetime.

I am so glad Tucker is OK and home with his Mom and Dad where he belongs!


Smelmooo said...

Thank you for the story L. I am glad that everything worked out for you and Duke. I was really happy to have met the little fella this week.

ArtieLange said...

Hey, this is Tucker. You better get your ass home when that call comes from that doggie dump I have to endure. Resort? You call it a resort? The only thing resort about that place was the fact that I had to resort to eating my own feces as a more palatable option than the Purina vommit chow they served. Hope you enjoyed yourself, douche bag.

Woof Woof
