Tuesday, May 08, 2007

Smelmooo's Head in the New York Times

Last week, I was surprised once again by the New York Times.

They featured a prominent picture in their pages of some important individuals (read: Governor Codey) and there was my head... right there... in the background...

My head was clear as day. It was certainly me.

The friends of mine that knew about it ribbed me a bit, but were jealous (or so I told myself.)

It reminded me of my days at Rutgers when I was in the Eagleton Institute of Politics and I was lucky to be in a class that had some rather high profile guest speakers.

These guest speakers would often be advertised and featured in papers such as the New York Times... and twice... my frigging monster tomahawk shaped head was featured.

Ahhh... the memories...

Sooo... if any of you find the picture... you will find my head... and you will bring it to me and I will sign it.

In the meantime... I printed it out and put it on my fridge... so that I can show my mommy when she comes over for Mother's Day...

Mommy will be so proud of the humungo head...Tangent Woman and Tucker are....

1 comment:

steakbellie said...

i know your pain. My Mellon size noggin has been featured in every Yellow-Journaistic Rag in this Country