Wednesday, May 30, 2007

Spaghetti arms!

Oh wait... wrong blog.

It's been almost a month for Spaghetti arms!

I might have to demote my own wife...

So sad....


Anonymous said...

The question becomes one of quality vs. quantity.

How much quality does a post have to contain before it runs out and requires a new post?

Conversely, how many posts are required to relieve the "blogger" from the need to publish quality material?

Applied in this case, does the entry from "Spaghetti arms" contain enough quality material to allow the blogger not to post for a month before needing a new entry?

Before you answer, consider that many posts on this blog are much better suited for Twitter, and hardly rise to the level of "blogging."

hyb said...

I support quantity! I heart the Tangentwoman!