Thursday, July 07, 2005

The A-Team Makes Me Smile

so... I was watching the A-Team this morning... and I am reminded of how frigging funny it is...

They were in the hospital because Mr. T's character stepped on a rusty nail.

He came out and Murdock (the crazy one... ) says...Awww... no lock jaw yet?

Mr. T delivers the perfect response... No! Better than your Lock Brain.

I laughed for like two minutes... it really is the small things.


Jenn said...

Um...I hate to admit it, but I LOVED the A-Team growing up. I used to watch it with my dad. We still quote it from time to time. Maybe for Christmas I'll get him A-Team on DVD.

Smelmooo said...

It is a great show. and I have two more disks to watch...