1. Today, muh wife and I leave for our annual trip to Saratoga, New York. This will be our sixth trip (Third or fourth for Tangent Woman) to upstate New York and it is always one of my favorite weekends of the year. In addition to a quality weekend away with muh wife, I get to spend some quality time with two of my best friends Mike and Matt. We used to live 250 feet apart from each other... now miles separate us. It is always a top notch weekend...
2. The single greatest food creation just might have to be what I ate for lunch yesterday. It was a Cheesewurst from Hillshire Farms. I want to meet the man...and it has to be a man... that invented this perfect combination of food. I am eating a piece of meat...when... CHEESE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! God bless America.
3. Muh wife and I like to play the game Scene It? even though I am the master at this game and I kick everyone's ass that I play against. There is a new Harry Potter only version of the game. I am thinking about getting it.
4. It was so hot out this week, that I actually could taste the air.
5. Tucker is amazing to me. He goes out into the back yard and (only does this with muh wife because I think he is scared of me when it comes to that stuff) then he gets all mopey for two hours. He was bouncing all over the place this morning...why? Because he puked up a pile of dirt. Maybe someone needs to stop him sooner from eating the dirt. Interesting....
6. It has been fabulously quiet enough on the Death Pool death front. 5 months to go... I have a smaller lead... I need Scott Hamilton to take an anvil to the head.
7. This is hilarious. "A Kenyan says he offered Bill Clinton 40 goats and 20 cows for his daughter's hand in marriage five years ago -- and is still waiting for an answer." (Source cnn.com)
8. The BTK killer's wife got an emergency divorce this week. I bet you didn't see that coming!
9. Will this be another disappointing year for my Raiders? Not as much as it will be for the Giants...and stupid Eli Manning...
You write these things to just to get a reaction out of me....it's so obvious the NYG will have a better year than your Raiders......I simply laugh in your general direction.
That's right Seth. You are the only Giants fan I know.
Blah blah blah.
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