Saturday, July 09, 2005

Watching Television on a Saturday Morning

I decided to pick up my television remote this morning... really early in the morning too... after walking the Tuckmeister.

I made a few observations:

1. Did you realize that almost all of the shows on Saturday morning have the exact same title? "Paid Programming" However... when you get to each show... they have different programs... Talk about... confusing.

2. I was proud to graduate from Rutgers University Magna Cum Laude with a Bachelors of Arts degree from the History Department. I take an interest in things from a historical point of view and like to learn from past mistakes. However... do we really need a show about "writing about history"? I didn't think so.

3. I remember when I was growing up that one of the first rated R movies that I ever saw was Missing in Action II with Chuck Norris. In that movie, the Vietnamese tortured him and put a canvas bag over his head while he was hanging upside down. Inside the bag, they put in a rat... after a struggle, they took the bag off and Chuck had basically bitten his head right off. It was violent and cool and showed how much of a bad ass Chuck was... When I saw him doing one of his exercise machine commercials this morning, I realized.. and wondered... when the hell did Chuck get so huggable?

4. Somehow, my remote stopped on MTV which featured a Black Eyed Peas video for "Let's Get it Started". I watched and watched. I think I now know what it feels like to enjoy crack.

5. we have those digital music channels. I am always surprised by titles of some of these channels which describe the genre of music on the station.

A. Old School Rap -- All day long?
B. Arena Rock -- Not just regular rock, but ARENA ROCK.
C. Classic Rap -- Seriously now folks... what is the difference between Old School Rap and Classic Rap?
D. Solid Gold Oldies -- ummm....

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