Last week, muh wife and I went to see OUR Neil Diamond in concert.
She knew we were going to the concert yet I surprised her with some super duper great close seats on the floor. There were people in tuxedoes passing around champagne (for a very modest $5.50). We were close enough that we could see Neil without having to look at the screens. There is just something magical about Madison Square Garden and I am always a victim of her mystique.
It was a fantastic evening and it reminded me just how important Neil has been to our relationship.
Long story extremely short, there were two things that made muh wife want to meet me -- Tobinese and Neil Diamond. She had to find out what the heck I was talking about when she read those words and followed up with email after email after email until we finally went out on our first date. I beheld the power of Neil and he created our blessed union. (that paragraph sucked.. but I sometimes enjoy being vague about things.)
Neil sings some darn good music and those that want to laugh at his lameness, feel free. I have a new theory on lameness that stems from the last episode of Six Feet Under. Being lame/hip is only important to those in high school... so... as I am not in high school, I will have to take your comments as a compliment.
Neil however, in the performance world, is becoming a different animal. Neil, as he gets older, is obviously moving a lot slower and doesn't perform the same way he used to. He dances like a white guy but he does it all with showmanship and a smile on his face. He enjoys what he does and I really hope that when I am 65 years old, I am enjoying what I am doing as much as he does. It was a blessing to watch.
The audience at the show was also pretty interesting as it ran the gamut from young folks like muh wife and I to literally a guy who was walking with a walker and an oxygen tank. The crowd was primarilly in the Baby Boomer age but all age groups were amply represented.
Neil Diamond has written more successful music than any artist that I know of. He is a true performer and songwriter. I hope that this isn't the last time I ever see him perform, but if it is... it was a tremendous performance.
Thanks Neil.
You're hating on Armstrong yet wrote an article on Neil Diamond... Can anyone say old fart?
I forgot to mention the most important thing about Neil and muh wife.
Our first song at our wedding was Forever in Blue Jeans.
Behold... a 31 year old worships the power of Neil.
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