Thursday, March 23, 2006

Book 15 of 26 Journey Into Darkness By Michael Chiappetta

Journey Into Darkness By Michael Chiappetta

As many of you know, I enjoy watching wrestling on the WWE. I have been watching it for a long time. Although, with the advent of DVR, I have been watching a lot of it on fast forward as most of the storylines are boring and move at a snail’s pace. The wrestlers out there just aren’t as dynamic as they used to be so my interest is waning.

Even with that going on in my psyche, I have found that I still enjoy reading those goofy biographies of wrestlers of yore. That’s why I bought this book called – Journey of Darkness… a book that I thought was the biography of Kane, a larger than life wrestler that comes from the darker side of life.

I am sure that I have lost many of you so far.

What made this book completely unlike anything that I expected was that it was a work of fiction. Someone took all the storylines from the Kane character for the past 10 years and incorporated them into them into a novel. He focused on his brother and his entire childhood – what made him turn into the evil character that he is.

I was fascinated by this and I thoroughly enjoyed the crystallization of what I have been accepting as “fact” for ten years about this character. For 200 of 300 pages, I was completely captivated by it. I had to be… I was on a 9 hour trip to Palm Springs. The last 100 pages were the part where I began to lose interest in that the author tried to justify why this messed up individual and his brother and father would get into the world of professional wrestling…. Blech.

The meat of the book is pretty irrelevant to you my reader. I had never thought that this type of work existed and Iw anted to share it with you. Fascinating….

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