Monday, June 19, 2006

Caught... With Muh Pants Down -- A Story of Discovered Porn

Once upon a time, there was a handsome and charming young man who lived with his gorgeously, intelligent wife and cute little dog in a small commuter town in New Jersey.

One weekday evening, the wife was sleeping soundly on the couch and the husband was flipping through the channels to see if there would be any movies on at night that he might want to see.

He came across "Call Girl Wives." Call Girl Wives is a sweet and sentimental tale of some neglected women who live at home and engage in friendly lovemaking with each other to pass the time. One day...they expand the scope of the intimacy and perform their acts with others.

With that incredibly sweet description and the knowledge that it stars one of the handsome gentleman's favorite "actresses," he decided to tape the program with complete confidence that although it was taped on a public DVR, he would not be caught.

That morning, he was watching an episode of Rescue Me before work when his beautiful wife who had awakened from her deep slumber and jumped straight into the shower and prepared herself for work -- further ensuring his belief that he was not going to be caught -- came downstairs.

At an especially exciting part of the Rescue Me episode, the gorgeous, funny, smart and sensational wife addressed her husband.

"Honey... what is Call Girl Wives about?" she asked.

"Ummm.... " (CRAP!!!), he replied in stunned amazement. "It's... uh... what?" The young man freaked out a bit in his mind as this was the first time that he was discovered in the entire five year relationship with anything of this sort.

"How did you find it?" he asked.

"I couldn't sleep and decided to watch some television at 4 in the morning when I saw that we were taping something," she said.

"Oh... well... it is such a sweet little story I am sure," he said.

"Well, when I watched a bit of it... it sure didn't seem sweet to me," she quickly retorted.

He ... a man who is never at a loss for words... was at a complete loss for words. He was completely busted... so instead of owning it and accepting it, he started to make up excuses for the porn by referring to it as harmelss and soft.

That didn't work either.

In the end... he didn't get in any trouble and yet... he felt so guilty that he never actually watched it... as it wouldn't have been any fun.


Anonymous said...



Anonymous said...

I agree with Kelli.

tangentwoman said...

You left out part two of the story: the next morning, I had another "found porn" encounter in the attic, where I stumbled across another "sweet and sentimental tale" that included "Four extra hours of...!" Well, bonus features, let's call them. So, yeah, I'm pretty much feeling like you're a big ol' perv, hubby.

Anonymous said...

I think this is hilarious - thanks for sharing. My husband claims he's tossed his "box of porn" as he called it but I'm sure I'll find it in the basement one day. You men are all alike! :) Abby