BrickBreaker involves the sliding back and forth of a bar along the bottom of the screen which you use to prevent a ball from going into an unknown abyss.

Your job is to break all the bricks at the top of the screen and "clear" the board.
Solid bricks are thrown in the way and there are other pitfalls that get in the way.
Muh wife has been playing BrickBreaker for years now and I only recently picked up BrickBreaker and started playing.

Since.. I am so much more awesome than my wife... (seriously)... I quickly broke her record. This ticked her off a bit and she began trying to top my record with a passion I have not seen since she got her Ms. PacMan game.
It has been 4 months and she cannot top my score... even with my awesomeness taking a 3 month break from playing... seriously.
Last week, I picked it up again and took my previous high score of 9000+ and upped it to 15,900.
That irked her a bit since she can barely reach 9000.
Let's all wish Tangent Woman some luck in trying to even come close to the level of awesomeness that I have attained.
two things:
One, my top score is 6800, and I haven't even gotten close to that since I did it.
Two, I just wanted to mention that Brickbreaker is a higher-level version of the vintage game Pong, which captivated us original Atari geeks for hours when it first came out. Brickbreaker is like Pong with all sorts of fancy add-ons, like guns and lasers and special effects.
i hope that tangent woman kicks your ass, smelmooo.
(not that i don't love you both, but, well, that post sort of DEMANDS an ass-whooping.)
m and her awesome CATS
My support is behind Tangentwoman all the way, especially cause I know her pain. Online word game = I kick Seth's ass all over the place, but Bubble Shooter...I haven't even reached half of his high score.
tangent woman... how do you deal with smelmooo on a daily basis??!!
Poor and sad friends of the Tangent Woman.
They just can't accept my supreme brickbreaker awesomeness.
I RULE!!!!!
Thanks for your support, guys, but really, the Smelmooo was actually overly generous here. I've never reached 9000 (8860 is my high scored), and my usual score is about half that.
Wow. Even the Tangent Woman concedes to my awesomeness.
I am awesome and I RULE and I am... Generous and I love Pez
I think Leslie's challenging you to try:
Good luck...
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