Monday, April 18, 2005

Moratorium Monday - A Mixed Message

Over the weekend, muh wife and I participated in a townwide garage sale. We dutifully picked up our permit and balloons, put out our wares and waited for the masses to show up.

With our balloons waving wildly in the wind from muh whife's Green Jetta, we armed our sale with the cutest puppy in the world and hoped that with the addition of a cute little animal, sales would skyrocket.

Sales were tremendous and we had a fantastic time for the 5 hours we were out there.

We also enjoyed exposing Tucker to all the people and other animals. He really enjoyed meeting people and getting his head rubbed by every cute girl..and ugly one... that walked by. He was a trooper and I really think he helped improve our sales.

But ... I have to contend with the type of people that I really dislike on those eventful mornings -- The hagglers... who demand.

Now... I don't mind haggling. I expect it and I appreciate the ability to say no to people and to have them come at me with a counter offer. It is part of the process...

I am not a fan of the folks that take haggling a step further. They don't even ask. They TELL you what price you will be accepting and it is generally absurdly low.

An example was when I had someone who was perusing the CDs. They were listed at $1 a piece and she picked up ten of them. She came over to the checkout counter and said in response to my inquiry of how many CDs she had, "Ten CDs and I am going to pay you $5."

My response was, "No you aren't. It is $1 per CD so you owe me $10."

She responded with, "But my offer is $5."

I said, "That didn't sound like an offer to me and you can have TEN CDs for $10. That's the price. No haggling."

She bought them.

It was the attitude that got me. Haggling is expected. Being a bossy a$$hole is not.

I wished mean things on her for the rest of the day.

however... another person looked to buy ten CDs. His response to my inquiry of how many CDs he had was much nicer - "10. Any possible way you can knock off a buck or two?"

My response? "Sure..."

Just a little bit of kindness is all I ask.

1 comment:

LITBMueller said...

Reminds me of a party my friends and I threw in college. Only 3 bucks to get in the door. 3 bucks for unlimited booze!!! Three girls came to the door, and my roomate said "3 bucks, ladies." The girls whined: "Three dollars?!??! Aw, c'mon...." My quick-witted roomate responded: "Alright, I'll give you guys a deal. Nine bucks for all three of you." The girls rejoiced, entered and drank, never realizing...

Only Americans go crazy when the price of gas goes up 10 cents.