Thursday, April 14, 2005

Shrimp -- A Sign of White Trash

One of my most popular theories is about shrimp.

Yeup...those curly little buggers from the sea that you stick into cocktail sauce and suck down in mass quanities when out at a party.

Shrimp tastes good and it is good for you too, but I have a theory about shrimp that trancends all other theories and leaves them in the dust.

Shrimp is a status symbol in our society and it is primarily enjoyed by those without much income.

I began to notice this when I began going out with friends as an adult. I knew which of my friends growing up came from affluent homes and which ones came from homes that were getting by. It isn't a secret generally.

I had a particular friend that enjoyed getting shrimp cocktail whenever we went out. He told me once that he ordered it because "he could" which means that since he was making some money on his own, he could afford to treat himself to something that he must have viewed as a delicacy growing up. As a self proclaimed white trash makes good fella, he helped me see the light.

Shrimp was a common appetizer for the rich and elite in the old days and the poor and not so elite used to dream of eating shrimp. I have been to dinners where the shrimp served as an appetizer at a party was treated with more regard then the meals themselves. These were at homes that were of modest income and I appreciated their high regard for the slimy little fellas.

How did shrimp reach this level? I can't quite figure it out, but watch ... when you go out with your friends. Especially when you don't know anything about them. See who orders the shrimp or at a party, watch how certain people hover around the shrimp.

I guarantee you that those are the folks that come from modest backgrounds... I guarantee it.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I don't think you can describe my background as "modest." But I am always the one hovering around the shrimp at parties because a) I love shellfish and b) I am greedy.